Connect with us through an open-ended ART experience >>><<<

Connect with us through an open-ended ART experience >>><<<


#1. Find anything in your space you can recycle/reuse. These items do not have to be permanent in your creations.

#2. Choose one or all of these animals; blue whale, box fish, bloody-belly comb jelly, and/or vampire squid.

#3. Look at the shapes that make up the animal structure.

#4. Search your space for items that look like these structures, could be priced together to make the animal or something you can make the animal out of.

#5. Once you have all your body pieces, arrange them to make sense to you for your animal structure.

#6. See what you made with using things in your space. Art does not have to be just art supplies creating art, anything can create ART. Snap a picture and send it to us, if you choose.

***If you would like to share your creations with us, email them to***

#7. Follow us in our Newsletter for updates, upcoming events and creative ideas.

#8. Get ready for next months project in March.

Blue Whale - made from a recycled shampoo bottle, recycled toilet paper rolls, recycled card stock paper cut, colored pencils, blue tape and our creativity.

Once a month our youth

will design an art

experience you can

engage in at home.