Art Is Not A Privilege is a Community Funded social enterprise supporting LOCAL Artists in bringing life to their works. Visions that bring the Art experience to copious communities.
Land Acknowledgment
We acknowledge that we are living on the stolen Coast Salish land of the Indigenous Peoples. Specifically the Duwamish, Suquamish, Stillaguamish and Muckleshoot peoples. It is on us to honor the ancestral lands of the indigenous peoples and steward the land as they have done. Turn toward the Indigenous Peoples for the wisdom and knowledge on being one with the Earth.
Duwamish reparations are available at Real Rent Duwamish.
Black & Brown Lives Matter
We acknowledge that the United States was built off slave labor, and is still enforcing slave labor, from our brown and black communities. We see, hear, experience and feel the racism, fascism, hatred, violence and brutality of zionist white supremacy terrorism that affect our daily lives.
We live our lives fleeing from capitalism to make intentional choices on where and what our funds are put into. We encourage you all to know exactly where you are putting your money, as money is the life source of imperialism. Your money supports the multiple genocides occurring, the occupied stolen land, the destruction of natural resources to create the technologies we use and the violent end to many of our communities lives. Lives are ended in death from the Empire gaining its riches off of the oppressed communities. We can help stop the human sacrifice around the globe, by educating ourselves on where and how our money is spent, and then take actions to divest and reinvest in our communities.
To foster this knowledge check out the BDS Movement, Divest for Palestine Movement. We can all impact how our communities live and thrive if we know where our money goes and we make changes to support one another instead of corporations. This movement will take all of our efforts as a collective. None of us are excluded from becoming unhoused in an instant. Take care of one another, buy refurbished, put your money back into your communities, cut down on consumerism just because you can and feed one another with foods and love. We can make the world a world that puts human care above any profits.
What You Can Do
We acknowledge that there are many genocides happening around the world today (Palestine, Sudan, Congo, Haiti, Tigray, Yemen, Puerto Rico, Syria, Lebanon, Guam, Turtle Island) and encourage you to look at the truths of these communities, not the lies your brain has been fed to believe. Follow local global journalists to see in real time what is happening in these communities. Learn the truth of the West’s real history through the historical patterns and from Indigenous experiences. Patterns repeat and we are on a path of these repetitions to destroy our communities and the land we are one with.
Every one of us has a voice. We must move through our fears of loss and stand up for our communities. We must stand together to create the world for not only ourselves, but the future generations coming up that are counting on us. We must come together with a focus in community care and strengthen our humanity.
Fear is a moment in time, yet the trauma impacts from neglecting humanity imprints into your cells affecting the futures to come. Taking a trauma informed, community care approach leads us to our humanity. Find your voice, meet it with your actions and build your squad. No one person can change the world and break the systems, yet all of us together can create a world full of imagination, curiosity and creativity. This world does and can exist when we all come together. Put your emotions into actions.
Art is a way we can do all of the above. Create a daily practice that takes you to a deep place of self reflection and curiosity. Invite others to do art with you. Art is not defined by only those artists who make it in a gallery or sell their works for thousands of dollars. An artist lives in everyone of us. Art heals and can break through the barriers that have been restricting your mind. Art nourishes the heart, mind and body connection.
Art is not a privilege, so let’s stop acting like it is and start feeding our inner artist.